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Project name
Monitoring of Environmental Impact of the Works for Improvement of the Navigation Conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, km 375 - km 175
Project acronym

EU Co-funding (European Regional Development Fund) - 85%, instead of 23.978.324 lei.
National funding - 15%, instead of 4.231.469 lei.
Project Total Budget: 28.209.793 lei (8.146.884 Euro with VAT).

The Project is financed within the Operational Programme - Transport SOPT 2007 - 2013, Priority Axis no. 3, Key Area of Intervention no. 3- Minimizing the adverse effects of transport on the environment, following to monitor the evolution of environmental factors on the Danube River sector comprised between Calarasi and Braila, Km 375 and km 175.

On 21st of June 2012 the Fiancee Contract ref. No.11 was signed between the River Administration of the Lower Danube, in its position of beneficiary and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, in its position of Management Authority of Sector Operational Program - Transport.

The Addendum no.1 to the Finance Contract no. 110/21.06.2012 was signed on 1st of July 2013 stipulating the modification of the funding percentages as follows: 85% EU Contribution-European Fund of Regional Development instead of 71,12% initially and 15% from the state budget, instead of 28,88% initially.


The main objective of the Project is to monitor the environmental factors as result of implementing the Project "Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila - Stage I".

The present project is a consequence of the recommendations given by the European Commission - Directorate General for the Environment and the requirement specified in the Environment Permit no. 3/2007 issued by the Regional Agency of Environmental Protection in Galati in order to execute the project "Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila and complementary measures - ISPA measure 2005/RO/16/P/PT/003, in which it was requested to elaborate a detailed monitoring programme of the environmental impact of hydro-technical works executed under the ISPA measure 2005/RO/16/P/PT/003, in accordance with European Union legislation, so that the Romanian Authorities to be prepared acting in order to reduce/eliminate the possible negative effects on the environment of the hydro-technical works.

Geographical coverage
The project is implemented on the territory of the following Counties: Calarasi, Constanta, Ialomita, Braila.

The Project regarding the monitoring of environmental impact of the hydro-technical works will be implemented during a period of 72 months, on 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: before starting the works of the project "Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, km 375 and km 175, for a period of 4 months, in order to set down the reference data on non-biotical and biotical factors;
  • Phase 2: During the entire period of execution of the hydro-technical works - 32 months, in order to observe the work influence on the non-biotical and biotical factors;
  • Phase 3: Post-monitoring of these factors after completion of the works - another 36 months. This last requirement for the 3 years post-monitoring was requested by the European Commission - Directorate General for the Environment.

The Project will include the following activities:

  • Air quality monitoring;         
  • Noise monitoring;
  • Soil monitoring;
  • Hydro-morphological monitoring;
  • Water quality monitoring;
  • Ichthyologic fauna monitoring;
  • Aquatic fauna and flora monitoring;
  • Terrestrial fauna and flora monitoring;
  • Avian fauna monitoring;
  • Site activities monitoring;
  • Monitoring observance of the Pollution Prevention Plan.
AFDJ as the Beneficiary of this Project provides the technical, administrative and financial management through the Project Management Team.
  • This project will ensure the conditions for development of the river transport as less polluting means of transport;
  • This Project will allow development of transport network between State Members of the European Union.
Program monitorizare
Details (2.01 MB)
Annexes (53.84 KB)

In order to obtain, by the relevant entities for project, files with information related to morphological database and telemetry for the project "Monitoring the environmental impact of the work of improving the navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi-Braila, km375-km175" please send a request to the e-mail address: Decuseara Marius Virgil containing the following information:

  • The period of time requested;
  • Activity to which the application relates;
  • Motivating the need to provide database.

Note that data can not be transmitted to third parties by obtaining and may not be used commercially. Relevant entities are the following:

  • European Commission: DG Regio, DG Environment, DG Move;
  • Ministry of Transport;
  • Ministry of Foreign Funds;
  • Ministry of Environment and Climate Change;
  • NGOs with environmental activities;
  • Competent environmental authorities;
  • Ship-owners Association.

RAW DATA INCDPM: Bathymetry, velocity, telemetry, ian. - dec. 2015
RAW DATA INCDPM: Bathymetry, velocity, telemetry, ian. - dec. 2016