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The "Lower Danube River Administration" Galati is a Romanian legal person operating as autonomous administration under the authority of the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure of Romania, in compliance with the provisions of the Decision no. 492/2003 of the Romanian Government and those of the international conventions and agreements in which Romania is part. AFDJ Galati plays the role of waterway authority on the Romanian sector of the Danube, from its entrance on the Romanian territory, at km 1,075 down to its mouth to the Black Sea, on Sulina Branch and in Sulina roadstead, on the navigable branches of the Danube, Borcea, Bala, Macin, Valciu, Caleia, on Chilia branch and its secondary branches, on Sf. Gheorghe Branch with the rectifying cannels and on the secondary channels of Sulina Channel, known as the Old Danube. As navigable way authority and according to the provisions of the "Convention Regarding the Regime of the Navigation on the Danube", AFDJ R.A. Galati has as object of activity to maintain the minimum navigation depths by maintenance dredging, to assure costal and floating signaling, to carry out topo- and hydrographic measurements, to make construction and repair works of hydrothechnical constructions, to assure piloting of sea-going ships on the Romanian Danube section from Sulina roadstead to Braila and in the harbours situated on this sector, to put the naval infrastructure at the disposal of all users , as well as to fulfill some obligations incumbent on the Romanian state according to the international conventions and agreements to which Romania is part, obligations that were delegated to AFDJ by the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure.

ISO 9001ISO 14001









Decision no. 492 of 18 April 2003 on the organization and functioning of "River Administration of the Lower Danube" Galati (only in romanian)

The navigating conditions on the Danube are assured by dredging, signaling, topo-hydrographic measurements and maintenance of hydro-technical constructions carried out between km 176 NM 47 1/2, Sf. Gheorghe Branch included, by the ships and personnel belonging to the head office of AFDJ. The Administration subordinates the following sections and agencies:

a. Sulina Navigable Way Section has as object of activity the maintenance of the navigable channel of the Danube between NM 47 1/2 and HM 100, including Chilia Branch, with a view to assure the navigating conditions.

Sectia Cai Navigabile Sulina

b. Braila Navigable Way Agency has as object of activity the maintenance of the navigable channel of the Danube between km 175 and km 300, including Macin Branch, with a view to assure the navigating conditions.

Agentia Cai Navigabile Braila

c. Calarasi Navigable Way Agency has as object of activity the maintenance of the navigable channel of the Danube between km 300 and km 375, including Bala and Borcea Branches, with a view to assure the navigating conditions.

Agentia Cai Navigabile Calarasi

d. Giurgiu Navigable Way Section has as object of activity the maintenance of the navigable channel of the Danube between km 375 nad km 845.5, with a view to assure the navigating conditions.

Sectia Cai Navigabile Giurgiu

e. Drobeta Turnu Severin Navigable Way Agency has as object of activity the maintenance of the navigable channel of the Danube between km 845.5 and km 1075, including Gogosu Branch, with a view to assure the navigating conditions.

Agentia Cai Navigabile Drobeta Turnu Severin