Address: Galati, 32 Portului Street
Registration number with the Trade Register: J17/10031/1991
Fiscal Code: R 1644670
Phone: +40 236 460812/ +40 236 460 353/ +40 236 460 016
Fax: +40 236 460847
Zip code: 800025
E-mail: [email protected]
Lower Danube River Administration functions as an autonomous state control and is the waterways authority for the Romanian sector of Danube from the border line - km 1,075 to the river mouth in the Black Sea, on Sulina branch, in Sulina roadstead, on the shipping branches of the Danube, Borcea, Bala, Macin, Valciu, Caleia, on Chilia branch with its secondary branches, on Sfantu Gheorghe channel with the rectifications channels and on the secondary branches of the Sulina Channel, named the Old Danube.
River Administration of the Lower Danube head office is in Galati, 32 Portului Street. Its subsidiaries in the main Danubian ports are:
Drobeta Turnu Severin
S.C.N. Turnu Severin
9 Portului St., Mehedinti County
Tel: +40 252 315 281
Fax: +40 252 315 281
S.C.N. Giurgiu
4 Stefan Cel Mare St., Giurgiu County
Phone: +40 246 213 329
Fax: +40 246 211 744
S.C.N. Calarasi
2 Dobrogei St., Calarasi County
Phone: +40 242 31 1526
Fax: +40 242 312 084, Zip Code: 910032
S.C.N. Braila
1-3 Portului St., 14 Berts - AFDJ, Braila County
Phone: +40 239 611 846
Fax: +40 239 611 117
S.C.N. Sulina
202 I-a St., Tulcea County
Phone: +40 0240 543307
Fax: +40 0240 543275, Zip Code: 825400
S.C.N. Tulcea
9 Portului St., Tulcea County
Phone: +40 0240 516804
Fax: +40 0240 516804, Zip Code: 820243
The main task of the Autonomous State Control "River Administration of the Lower Danube" is the assurance of navigation conditions on Danube by means of dredging works, topohydrographical survey, coast and floating signalization, piloting on the maritime Danube sector between Sulina roadstead and Braila and in the Danube maritime ports, special transport on the river and maritime Danube, internal and international tugging etc.
The administration has various vessels ranging from motorboats, piloting boats, pontoons, dredges, scows, cranes, tugs, signaling vessels etc.