Total budget: 2.864.546 EU
Budget of the Romanian partners: 650.000 EU
EU-ERDF funding (85%): 552.500 EU
National funding (15%): 97.500 EU
The NEWADA project aims at increasing the efficiency of the Danube as the European Transport Corridor VII by intensifying cooperation between waterway administrations to promote inland navigation as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport.
NEWADA starts in April 2009 and ends in March 2010 which gives a duration of 36 months.
Cooperation on hydrological and hydrographical tasks will be intensified in order to achieve a higher impact. In this field the efficiency of daily work has to be increased through the exchange of know-how among experts as well as through the identification of best practise cases.
Physical accessibility of the waterway infrastructure will be improved. National action plans, feasibility studies, bilateral projects and implementation guidelines for improving waterway maintenance and river engineering will be worked out in cooperation with other Danube countries.
Access to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) networks and services will be enhanced in order to overcome shortcomings.
Responsible stakeholders will be integrated and cooperation will be fostered. The communication between waterway administrations, development agencies and Ministries of Transport shall be enhanced. Waterway administrations shall be transformed into service oriented organisations in order to meet user demands.
The project team comprises 12 project partners from 8 Danube countries, from RO 2 partners (AFDJ and ACN).
The project also has an Advisory Board consisting of Ministries, the Danube Commission, the International Sava River Basin Commission, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and other relevant actors.
Lead partner: Via Donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH; Via Donau
National strategy plans for waterway maintenance, hydrology and hydrography will be prepared, which are the basis for pilots, implementation guidelines and further bi-or multilateral projects.
A web portal containing relevant fairway related data will be established according to European Standards.
The elaboration of an organisational strategy for each country will foster cooperation between the waterway authorities, development agencies and ministries within each country.