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steag UEMTIlogo AFDJInstrumente StructuraleProgramul Operational Sectorial

Project name
Improvement of navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, km 375 – km 175
Project acronym

EU Co-funding (Cohesion Fund) - 85%
National funding - 15%
Project Total Budget: 49,650,516 Euro, respectively 218,611,217 lei.

The Project is financed within the Operational Programme - Transport SOPT 2007 - 2013, Priority Axis no. 1 - Modernization and development of the TEN-T priority axes, with a view to the development of a sustainable transport system and to its integration with the EU transport networks, Key Area of Intervention no. 3 - Modernization and development of naval transport infrastructure along the 18 Priority TEN T Axis. For financing this project the Financing Contract no 233 has been concluded on 16 September 2014 with the Managing Authority of SOPT under the Ministry of Transport.


General objective of the project is improvement of navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, km 375 – km 175 by redistribution of discharges between Bala – Borcea Branch and the main branch of the Danube, by modifying the distribution of discharges during low and medium water levels in the area of Epurasu branch (Lebada), by redistribution of the discharges between Caleia Branch and the main branch of the Danube and by modifying the discharges in Ostrovu Lupu area so as to ensure the minimum depths recommended by the Danube Commission, respectively – 2.5 ENR, minimum widths of 150 m and minimum 1000 m radius of curvature on the fairway.

Specific objectives of the project consists of:

  • Reducing travel time between Calarasi and Braila;
  • Reducing transport costs;
  • Increasing traffic safety on the Danube;
  • Increasing the use of transport on inland waterways, in terms of the number of ships and the goods carried;
  • Reducing the percentage of pollutants released into atmosphere due to the decrease in fuel consumption;
  • Diminishing the erosion phenomenon of the banks on the secondary arms Bala - Borcea and Caleia;
  • Ensuring the minimum flow of water to cool the reactors at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant.
  • Ensuring the conditions for sturgeon migration by elaborating the feasibility study on alternative / complementary technical solutions in the Bala branch bifurcation area, km 347 – km 342 of the Old Danube.
Geographical coverage
The project is carried out on the territory of the counties: Calarasi, Constanta, Ialomita, Braila.

The works were started in 2011 and have been completed in 2016.


OBJECTIVE 1: Works executed at Critical Point 01 Bala
For this objective, the following components are executed:    

  • Component 1: Guiding wall
  • Component 2: Bank protections
  • Component 3: Bottom sill
  • Component 4: Dredging in Caragheorghe
  • Component 5: Feasibility Study on Alternative / Complementary Technical Solutions for Critical Point 01 Bala.

OBJECTIVE 2: Works that run at Critical Point 02 Epurasu

For this objective, the following works are executed:

  • Component 1: Submersible guiding dike
  • Component 2: Bank protections

OBJECTIVE 3: Works performed at Critical Point 10 Ostrovu Lupu (Calea Branch)

For this objective, the following works are executed:

  • Component 1: Bank protections
  •  Component 2: Bottom sill
  •  Component 3: Dredging
AFDJ as the beneficiary of this project ensures technical, administrative and financial management through the Project Management Team.

- Ensuring the conditions for development of river transport as a less polluting transport;

- Developing the transport network between the Member States of the European Union.

The Romanian ship owners whose ships are navigating on inland waterways and those from other countries will benefit from the project results. By reducing transport costs and improving the safety of shipping, the entire society will benefit from reduced costs for the goods transported.

Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant will also benefit from the results of the project by ensuring the minimum required water flow for cooling the reactors.

Partea superioară a formularului

Moreover in this project, a feasibility study on alternative / complementary technical solutions will be developed for the Bala Branch bifurcation area, km 347 – km 342 of Old Danube. This study will identify other technical solutions, which together with the ones already executed in this stage, to achieve the objectives of navigation and also to ensure the sturgeons migration.

On February 12, 2015, AFDJ signed the service contract "Feasibility Study for Alternative / Complementary Technical Solutions for the works to be executed in Critical Point 01 Bala” with the Consortium Egis Eau SA France / Egis Romania SA / Compagnie Nationale du Rhone (CNR) SA France, the leader of the being Egis Eau SA France.

Workshop 17 Mai 2017

Collaborative zone

USER: egis\c.cuc