(1) The activity object of the Autonomous State Control "River Administration of the Lower Danube" is the assurance of navigation conditions on Danube by means of dredging works, topo-hydrographical survey, coast and floating signalization, piloting on the maritime Danube sector between Sulina roadstead and Braila and in the Danube maritime ports, special transport on the river and maritime Danube, internal and international tugging as well as carrying out the obligations of the Romanian state according to the international conventions and agreements to which Romania is part, which were entrusted to it by the Ministry of Transports, in accordance with HGR 492/2003.
(2) The main tasks leading to the fulfillment of the activity object generally are the following:
a) securing navigation depths by means of maintenance dredging;
b) performing topohydrographical surveys in order to get acquainted with and observe the morphological situation, the bed loads of Danube, especially at the critical spots, flow and alluvium measurements, and measurements of current speed;
c) drawing up or, if the case, advising documents on the accomplishment of repairs and maintenance works for bank protection and special hydrotechnical works in order to improve the navigation conditions;
d) performing surveys, dredging and taking out obstacles in port basins and operation berths, upon request from port administrations, on contract basis;
e) performing coast and floating signaling, that is necessary to navigation regulation, and maintaining it;
f) directing navigation on difficult sectors by semaphore and supervision stations;
g) elaborating proposals of special rules of navigation for the river and maritime Danube sector, and their submission to competent authorities for approval;
h) collecting and processing hydrometeorological data, elaborating forecasts on level variation of Danube waters on the Romanian sector;
i) daily forwarding data for the hydrometeorological bulletin of Danube, on "Romania Actualitati" radio station;
j) editing and spreading the hydrometeorological bulletin for Danube, with hydrological, weather data, minimal navigation depths, passage overall dimensions and other recommendations for difficult navigation sectors;
k) drawing up and spreading notices to navigators;
l) approving works in the navigable lanes and works of crossing and under-crossing of Danube;
m) submitting the necessary information to the Danube Commission, in order to draw up the Great Works Plan of Danube outfit;
n) drawing up the navigation maps for the Romanian sector of Danube;
o) participating in debates, meetings and sessions on technical and navigation problems of Danube, at the Danube Commission and other international bodies, markets and exhibition;
p) coordinating the activities of economic agents that are interested in the ice breaking on Danube;
q) rendering services and renting - on contract basis - availabilities to Romanian or foreign juristic persons;
r) performing pilotage of maritime vessels on Danube, on Sulina bar - Braila sector, according to articles 31, 32 and 33 of the Convention on Danube navigation regime signed in Belgrad, 1948, as well as others legal regulations in force;
s) fulfillment of Romania's obligations resulting of the international conventions and agreement to which Romania is part, according to the law;
t) performing editorial and typographical activities;
u) examining and authorizing annually the pilots, and issuing the pilot licenses for maritime Danube;
v) approving studies and projects containing works to be performed in the bed and on the navigable lanes banks;
x) setting tariffs for all facilities and services included in the activity object;
y) supervising the development of works to be performed in the bed and on the navigable lanes banks;
z) approving the places of location and performance of works concerning the extraction of pit ballast assembly, from Danube and its arms, the places of disposal of the material resulted from depths maintenance dredging;
aa) approving the activities of extraction of pit ballast assembly, from Danube and its arms;
bb) approving the works performed in the bed of Danube and its secondary arms for port investments and other objectives, as well as discharge areas for the material resulting from this activity;
cc) establishing and approving the discharge areas for materials resulting from maintenance dredging in the pass, berths and docks;
dd) centralizing and systematizing the data concerning works of navigation conditions security, the maritime vessels traffic, the hydrological and weather data etc, as well as those requested by the Danube Commission;
ee) maintaining and repairing all gods that are public property and managed by the administration, and all those that are administration property;
ff) ensuring the utilization of fluvial transportation infrastructure, state public property, by third parties, by contracts of concession, rental or association, according to the provisions of the law;
gg) ensuring services of telecommunication, radio - telephony, telex and data transmission;
hh) elaborating annual and prospective programs for the main indices of pass maintenance - topohydrographic surveys, dredging, maintenance and repairs of hidrotechnical constructions -, as well as repair and modernization of goods state public property and of goods administration property;
ii) contracting credits from banks and other financial institutions, in order to accomplish the objectives proposed;
jj) concluding sales contracts with Romanian and foreign economic agents, for equipment, installations, materials, spare parts, fuels etc, necessary to own activity;
kk) participating in activities or associating with economic agents, economic employers' and professional organizations, from Romania or abroad, in order to perform activities or actions specific to its field of activity;
ll) producing industrial natural gas for buoys, in respect of the legal regulations in force;
mm) revaluating, if the case, the materials resulting from the maintenance dredging;
nn) any other operation related to the accomplishment of its activity object.